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The U.S. Chamber of Commerce

The Waconia Chamber of Commerce is a member of the US Chamber of Commerce, a lead lobbying group at the US Capitol for issues related to business. The US Chamber provides discounts for member on professional development opportunities like the Institute for Organizational Management. The Waconia Chamber of Commerce is proud to be a federation member of the US Chamber, providing grassroots lobbying on national policy.

The Minnesota Chamber

The Waconia Chamber of Commerce is a member of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce and a Chamber federation member. We support lobbying efforts at the State Capitol on behalf of Minnesota businesses each year. This relationship also provides many benefits for the Waconia Chamber such as the opportunity to take part in programs like Grow Minnesota! and receive up-to-date information on business issues and legislation.

The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce Executives (MCCE)

The Waconia Chamber is a member of MCCE, a professional group of Chamber of Commerce Executives in Minnesota. This group provides continuing education and professional development opportunities for Chamber executives by sponsoring a number of conferences throughout the year.

The Metropolitan Coalition of Chambers of Commerce (MCCC)

The Waconia Chamber is a member of MCCC, a group of Twin Cities Metro area Chamber professionals focused on issues specific to metro area chambers like transportation. This group also provides networking and chamber career information and learning.

Midwest Area Chamber Executives (MACE)

MACE is a group of Midwest Chamber executives from Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin and Illinois that gather annually for a continuing education conference hosted by one of the member states.

American Chamber of Commerce Executives (ACCE)

ACCE is a professional organization that gathers chamber executives from the entire US as well as others from foreign countries, for a conference each summer. ACCE produces an industry magazine, hosts a website and provides information to member of the Chamber industry.

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